Air Testing

We make air testing easy.

Let us assist you from start-to-finish by providing everything you need for personal exposure, industrial hygiene, ambient air quality, high volume air testing or surface and depositional investigations. Our testing capabilities include TSP, PM10, PM2.5, metals, MECP dustfall, VOCs, PAHs, cyanide and much more.

We provide the necessary sampling supplies including pre-calibrated, lightweight personal sampling pumps, fitted with the appropriate collection filter or tube, pre-weighed glass filters, quartz filters or PUF tubes, badge collectors or passive TD tubes, and swab kits for metals, oil & grease, PCB and other depositional monitoring programs. Our easy-to-follow Sampling Guides ensure you and your team are comfortable with the sampling protocols.


  • 1,4-Dioxane
  • Acetone/Hexane
  • Acid Extractables
  • BTEX
  • Carbamate Pesticides
  • Chlorobenzene
  • DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis)
  • Diquat Paraquat
  • F1
  • F2-F4
  • F4G
  • Formaldehyde
  • Freons
  • Glycol
  • Glyphosate
  • Haloacetic Acids
  • Hi Vol: PAH PUF Sampler
  • MCPA
  • MEA
  • MEK
  • MEK
  • Methane
  • Methanol
  • Morpholine
  • NDMA
  • Nonyl Phenols
  • NTA
  • OCP
  • OPP
  • Otto Fuel
  • Oxalic Acid
  • PAH
  • Passive TD Tube: Benzene
  • PCBs
  • PFAS
  • Phenoxy Herb
  • Phthalate
  • RFA
  • Schedule 24
  • Sorbent Tube: Formaldehyde
  • Sorbent Tube: Otto Fuel
  • SVOC
  • TD Tube: VOC
  • THM
  • Tolytriazole
  • Toxaphene
  • VOC
  • Volatile Organic/Fatty Acids
  • 1,4-Dioxane
  • Acetone/Hexane
  • Acid Extractables
  • BTEX
  • Carbamate Pesticides
  • Chlorobenzene
  • DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis)
  • Diquat Paraquat
  • F1
  • F2-F4
  • F4G
  • Formaldehyde
  • Freons
  • Glycol
  • Glyphosate
  • Haloacetic Acids
  • Hi Vol: PAH PUF Sampler
  • MCPA
  • MEA
  • MEK
  • Methane
  • Methanol
  • Morpholine
  • NDMA
  • Nonyl Phenols
  • NTA
  • OCP
  • OPP
  • Otto Fuel
  • Oxalic Acid
  • PAH
  • Passive TD Tube: Benzene
  • PCBs
  • PFAS
  • Phenoxy Herb
  • Phthalate
  • RFA
  • Schedule 24
  • Sorbent Tube: Formaldehyde
  • Sorbent Tube: Otto Fuel
  • SVOC
  • TD Tube: VOC
  • THM
  • Tolytriazole
  • Toxaphene
  • VOC
  • Volatile Organic/Fatty Acids
  • % Lipids
  • % Solids
  • % Total Solids
  • Acetate in Water
  • Acidity
  • Air Filter Cassette: Metals
  • Air Filter Cassette: PM10
  • Air Filter Cassette: PM2.5
  • Air Filter Cassette: TSP
  • Alk
  • Ammonia
  • Ammonia – Unionized
  • Ammonia (Low Level)
  • Anions
  • BOD
  • Boron (Hot Water Extractable)
  • Bromate
  • Bulk Density of Soils
  • C/N Ratio in Soil
  • Calorific Value
  • Carbon Disulphide
  • Carbonate and Bi-Carbonate
  • CBOD
  • Chlorine
  • Chlorine – Residual
  • Chlorophyll A
  • CN
  • COD
  • Colour (True or Apparent)
  • Cond
  • CrIII
  • CrVI
  • Cyanate
  • Cyanide – Free
  • Cyanide – Total
  • Cyanide – WAD
  • DIC
  • DIC – Field Filtered
  • Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus
  • DO
  • DOC
  • DOC – Field Filtered
  • DOP
  • DTP
  • DTP – Field Filtered
  • Dustfall (MECP Method)
  • EMF
  • Fe2Fe3
  • Fixed Solids
  • Fixed Suspended Solids
  • FOC
  • Grain Size – 63 micron
  • Grain Size – 75 micron
  • Grain Size – Full Sieves with hydrometry
  • Grain Size – Sieves (no hydrometry)
  • Hardness
  • Hi Vol: Metals
  • Hi Vol: PM10
  • Hi Vol: PM2.5
  • Hi Vol: TSP
  • Hydroxide
  • Ignitability
  • Ion Balance
  • Loss on Ignition
  • Mercury CV
  • Mercury CV – Field Filtered
  • Mercury CV – Lab Filtered
  • Metal Oxides (Calc)
  • Metals
  • Metals – Field Filtered
  • Metals – Gold only
  • Metals – Lab Filtered
  • Metals – Regular (Not Digested)
  • Metals – Total (Digested)
  • Methylmercury
  • Methylmercury – Field Filtered
  • Methylmercury – Lab Filtered
  • Moisture
  • NTA
  • O&G
  • Reg. 243 – Lead
  • Olsen Phosphorus
  • OP
  • Organic Nitrogen
  • Passive Sampler: Mercury
  • Passive Sampler: NO2
  • Passive Sampler: SO2
  • Percent Ash
  • pH
  • pH – Saturation pH
  • Phenols
  • Reactive Silica
  • Redox Potential
  • Resistivity
  • SAR
  • Schedule 15.1 – Distribution (Lead, Alk)
  • Schedule 15.1 – Plumbing (Lead)
  • Schedule 23
  • Silica
  • Sorbent Tube: Carbon Disulphide
  • Specific Gravity
  • Sulfamate
  • Sulphide
  • Sulphite
  • Sulphur
  • Tannins and Lignins
  • TDS
  • Thiocyanate
  • TIC
  • TKN
  • TOC
  • Total Carbon
  • Total Nitrogen
  • Total Reduced Sulfur Comounds (NCASI)
  • Total Solids
  • TP
  • TP – Low Level
  • TSS
  • Turb
  • UV Trans/Absorb
  • VS
  • VSS
  • Autoclave Testing
  • Background coliforms
  • E. Coli
  • Fecal coliform
  • Fecal streptococcus
  • HPC
  • Iron Reducing Bacteria
  • Legionella
  • Microcystin
  • Sulphate Reducing Bacteria
  • Total Coliform
  • 100% Concentration Daphnia Magna
  • 100% Concentration Rainbow Trout
  • LC50 – Daphnia Magna
  • LC50 Rainbow Trout
  • pH Stabilization 100% Conc RBT
  • pH Stabilization LC50 RBT
  • Acid #
  • AGE Test
  • Aniline Point
  • CCD
  • Color
  • Corrosive Sulfur
  • DBDS
  • Degree Polymerization
  • Dielectric (D1816)
  • Dielectric (D877)
  • Dissolved Gas Analysis
  • Flashpoint
  • Furans
  • Inhibitor
  • Interfacial Tension
  • Karl Fischer
  • Metals
  • PCB
  • Pour Point
  • Power Factor
  • Relative Density
  • Resistivity
  • Sediment/Sludge
  • Strong Acid #
  • Total Halogens
  • Viscosity (0 Deg. C)
  • Viscosity (100 Deg. C)
  • Viscosity (40 Deg. C)
  • Gross Alpha Beta
  • Gross Alpha Beta + Tritium
  • Ra226